Week 6 Part A: Engaging Your Customers - Facebook Strategy
For this investigation, I conducted different searches off of my business page on the following topics: flower business, flower photography, art marketplace, and floral wall prints. The flower business search resulted in local florists and Carlsbad Floral Trade Center. From there, my search led me to The Flower Fields and San Diego Botanic Garden. The flower photography search directed me towards Joel Grimes Photography and Carol Fox Henrichs Photography. MK Photography was found in both the flower photography and floral wall print searches. I discovered Art for Sale through the art marketplace search. Carlsbad Floral Trade Center https://www.facebook.com/pages/Carlsbad-Floral-Trade-Center/181973508506460 I chose this site because it's local and it's a flower mart. The posts are a mixture of customer shares, personal business posts about current flower shipments, and posts from floral arranging class attendees. All posts contain clearly shot photos from the Tra...