Week 4 Part B: Defining Your Target Market

Social media has transformed the way we connect with others in addition to expanding those connections. It has also transformed the way we conduct business and market products. Word of mouth personal recommendations take on a new meaning when social media is involved, as the audience can be hundreds or thousands instead of the local neighborhood.

My business investigation for this class will focus on the niche market of floral photography prints. This is one component I would like to feature in my business Trulyours Designs. Trulyours Designs will feature illustrations and floral photos in different sizes for framing and wall display. I have been taking and posting pictures of flowers for many years now, so I feel comfortable using and taking my pictures to a business level, even though it will be fictitious for now.

To get an idea about the target market for floral wall prints, I conducted five different Twitter searches according to the suggestions found in chapter 2 "Way Beyond 'Women 25 to 54'" found in the class text Likeable Social Media. I'll admit I was surprised by the number of people sharing Tweets of new floral art work on the walls of their home. There were also Tweets from people looking to purchase pictures of specific flowers to hang on their walls.

The demographics revealed a target market that is three-quarters female and one-quarter male. The age range is predominantly from middle 20's to late 40's. Two-thirds of the market had just moved and were decorating a new home or apartment. The psychographics of the target market was illuminating. Some people had very specific flowers and/or arrangements they were Tweeting about in the queries. Others were focused on colors to go with the color scheme of their decor. Most of the Tweets were shout-outs to the artist, photographer, or site they ordered the work from. There was definitely a preference towards forming a connection with the person they were buying the work from versus buying from a large retailer. There was also a commonality of buying more than one print or photo from the same artist or site. 

There were a couple of important take-aways I absorbed from my Twitter target market investigations. The most important one is that consumers who buy prints or photos to display from a small business or individual are seeking to make a connection. It is important to maintain a personal connection through informal private product informational exchanges and by responding to social media posts. I also realized how important picture tags and detailed descriptions are in order to attract potential customers looking for a specific flower or color scheme to enhance their living space. Right now I'm only offering three different sizes for each flower print, but I'm seriously thinking about ways to add other customizations into the product offerings.
