
Showing posts from October, 2021

Week 10 Part A: Researching Email Marketing

Newsletters are a great way for a business to update and maintain its client base. They are also a way to show a little personality. A good rule of thumb is to be newsy and engaging, but not overly inundating. A monthly newsletter will work well for my floral photography business. The first content idea that comes to mind for my newsletter is a New Work section that features pictures of recent work. Not To Be Missed is a section that will feature current special floral opportunities. An example is the ofrenda by Xicana artist Katie Ruiz and the corpse flower that is set to bloom at the San Diego Botanic Garden. I know I always like receiving notices of local upcoming events. Featured Flower will be a third content idea for my newsletter. It will focus on one specific flower and include history, facts, growing tips, and miscellaneous fun facts. I would also like to add a fun element like a quiz, puzzle, or recipe to the newsletter. If possible, I will tie this element to the Featured Fl...

Week 9 Part B: Using Categories

When designing a blog, vlog, podcast, or webinar for your business it's important to think about your target audience's interests. Knowing these interest categories can then aid you in organizing your content. Three to five categories would be a manageable way to start out with your content posts. In investigating information on flowers for my Facebook and Instagram posts, I've noticed the only consistent flower resource to be Wikipedia, which I use as a last resort resource. This has opened my eyes that creating a blog that serves as a resource for information about flowers could definitely be an asset to my floral photo business. Keeping this in mind, I would use the following categories on my blog: Local Lovelies, Wildflowers, Seasonal Flowers, and Featured Flowers. Each category would be posted to once a month, with a different category posted to each week. Local Lovelies would feature beautiful flowers that can be seen in Oceanside and neighboring cities. Wildflowers w...

Week 9 Part A: Blogs, Vlogs, Podcasts & Webinars

When I reviewed Annie Liebovitz's Instagram feed, the post that received the most comments and likes was about Betty Reid Soskin, a 100 year old active National Park Service ranger. This post received 56,384 likes and 588 comments all about Betty and her amazing service. It is a perfect example of the appeal human interest stories hold for us. Sharing personal and human interest stories and news through Blogs, Vlogs, Podcasts, and Webinars is a surefire way increase traffic to your business website. The type and nature of the business will definitely dictate the tone for personable or human interest posts. For example, a health organization would do well to post timely and informative health related posts in addition to health success stories. A tech related business could definitely benefit from how-to video and written step-by-step posts with a dash of humor thrown in. When using humor, one really needs to think about the business and attitudes of the client or consumer base to a...

Week 8 Part B: Your Instagram Hashtag Use

The hashtags I used on my Birds of Paradise joke post all relate to the post: #birdofparadise, #flowers, #joke, #orange, #nature, #flora. I posted at 4:10 PM on Friday and received a couple of immediate likes.   My second post "Gloriosa Daisy" also contained hashtags relating to the post's contents: #gloriosa, #daisy, #flowers, #yellow, #red, #Oceanside, #wildflowers, #perennial. I posted it on Saturday at 2:10 PM and received four immediate likes. My third post, "Marigold" I put a watermark on along with the following content specific hashtags: #marigold, #flowers, #nature, #diadelosmuertos, #dayofthedead, #orange, #ofrenda. It was posted on Sunday at 1:25 PM and has received four likes. I'll be honest, I posted when I had some free time in my schedule on three different days. Using hashtags definitely increased my post reach. I received likes from six new Instagram accounts as a result of the hashtag use. I also picked up two new flower lover followers who...

Week 8 Part A: Using Hashtags on Instagram

Photo by  Jon Tyson  on  Unsplash   Trulyours Designs focus is flower photography wall prints. This makes Instagram's emphasis on visual posts a perfect fit and forum to showcase work. In approaching my Instagram photography business investigation, I followed the following businesses: Adobe Stock, Annie Liebovitz, Fine Art America, and roads_diverge.  Adobe Stock  Adobe Stock is the premier behemoth site for royalty-free stock   images, photos, graphics, vectors, video footage, illustrations, templates, and 3d assets. They have 222,000 followers and have 1,289 posts on their Instagram account. They average about two posts a week that are a mixture of videos and pictures featuring Artist Spotlights, challenges, and program recipients. The most recent post from October 5th is a video lookbook featuring Melanie Marie's FW 2021 jewelry collection. It received four comments from outsiders that are mos...

Week 7 Part B: How Other Class Members Businesses Use Instagram

Photo by  Solen Feyissa  on  Unsplash I commented on takasugiandassociates post with the stuffed animal dogs at the table. The post made me smile and gave their accounting business a lot of humanity and personality. I also commented on shoeper_laced post entitled "Just kickin it #AJ1." It's a really great shot of the shoes on a high-rise overlooking a city on the water. This post has a lot of marketing appeal as it has a fresh urban vibe and shows off the kicks well. Another post I commented on was yoshinori325's post featuring their logo. The logo features a delivery truck in red, blue, and black with a JS in a blue circle on the side of the truck. This post does a great job of utilizing the white space with the graphics. The result is a memorable image. I commented on ginatompkinsvoiceover video post featuring her vocal expertise. The recording is a really expert studio teaser of her abilities. It leaves you wanting to hear more. I also commented on lulus.jewelrybox...

Week 6 Part B: Creating and Scheduling Facebook Posts

The photo featured to the left is of one of my  favorite flowers, sunflowers. It is also featured in a Facebook post entitled "Favorite Fall Flower." My other two posts were entitled "What's in Your Garden?" featuring a hibiscus and "Wildflower 101" featuring coneflowers. I added some flower fast facts to each post about what the flower symbolizes, important designations, flower specifics, and date of the photo.  My intent is to generate sharing of favorite flowers, garden flowers, and wildflowers either through dialogue or shared photos. I'm trying to just build interest, engagement, and community at the moment.  It took me a couple of go arounds with Business Suite to get the posts saved and scheduled. It will be interesting to see what kind of response the posts receive. Below is a picture of my screenshot showing the schedule for the posts. I commented on Facebook posts posted by the following classmates: James Anear, Brittany Filips, Marcos He...