Week 6 Part B: Creating and Scheduling Facebook Posts

The photo featured to the left is of one of my  favorite flowers, sunflowers. It is also featured in a Facebook post entitled "Favorite Fall Flower." My other two posts were entitled "What's in Your Garden?" featuring a hibiscus and "Wildflower 101" featuring coneflowers. I added some flower fast facts to each post about what the flower symbolizes, important designations, flower specifics, and date of the photo. 

My intent is to generate sharing of favorite flowers, garden flowers, and wildflowers either through dialogue or shared photos. I'm trying to just build interest, engagement, and community at the moment. 

It took me a couple of go arounds with Business Suite to get the posts saved and scheduled. It will be interesting to see what kind of response the posts receive. Below is a picture of my screenshot showing the schedule for the posts.

I commented on Facebook posts posted by the following classmates: James Anear, Brittany Filips, Marcos Herrera, Jinx Ho, and Ivan Vincent Ortiz.
